Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension



    The Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension [DLLE] (known earlier as Department of Adult and Continuing Education and Extension) established on October 12, in the Year 1978 and has been recognized as a statutory Department of the University of Mumbai since 1994 to promote a meaningful and sustained rapport between the Universities and the community. The DLLE offers flexible Continuing Education opportunities for the people.
    As per UGC guidelines and Maharashtra Public Universities Act 2016, it functions under the Board of Lifelong Learning and Extension to create skilled and learned human power through its various degree level programmes and skills development programmes.


Its aims is to create awareness through various activities such as street play, exhibition, poster making, songs, speech, survey elocution, seminars and conferences.      To promote student’s engagement with the society and to give them a juncture to become sensitive citizens, the Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension Unit of Sahyadri Shikshan Seva Mandal’s Arts & Commerce College was established in the academic year 2017 – 2018. The students are enrolled for extension work projects and perform various activities for the social awareness based on issues or problems in society such as Financial Literacy, Environmental Awareness, Food Wastage, Career Guidance Programs etc.

DLLE Projects Assigned to Students

I. Vocational Career Oriented project

Career projects
Industry Orientation
Anna Poorna Yojana

II. Community Oriented Projects

Population Education Club (PEC)
Survey of Women’s status (SWS)
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Blood Donation Camp -

Flood Relief campaign for affected areas in Kolhapur and Sangli

First Term Training for DLLE

Competitive Exams and Techniques to Crack them

Second Term Training Program – District Level

D.L.LE Enrolment Link 2020-21

Faculty Co-ordinator 2020-21
Ms Laxmi Pandey
Contact No. 8850776604
Email ID :-